Saturday, November 20, 2010

What a Great Show!

The Curling Fashion Show was a great success!  A Big THANK-YOU to all our models: Carol, Mary, Carolyn, Beth, Dayna, Erin and, the men, Michael, Dave and Tim for their willingness to clown around a bit to show off the new fashions and equipment in curling supplies!  and to Marion for being the Master of Ceremony for the show!  There certainly was a lot to say - who knew curling was so technical?

It was great to see our League members out supporting the League and the Club last night.  It was a fun night and as Quinte Curling Supplies also had a good night with visitors and purchasers from our club and others, the Business Ladies should realize something from this towards our fundraising efforts - we won't know what till late next spring but we'll let you know!

Thanks again everyone!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

InterClub Curling

How would you like to get in an extra game once a month with some of your friends, have a chance to play at another location, and meet fellow curlers from another club?
Following on the success of the Ladies Leagues’ Interclub Curling, the Campbellford, Keene, and Peterborough Business Ladies and Norwood Ladies Curling Leagues are organizing four (4) Interclub curling games this year for evening play! 
The games will take place either on a Thursday (Campbellford & Peterborough) or Friday (Keene & Norwood) evening and will be scheduled so as not to interfere with your regular league play.  As games will occur during a regularly scheduled night at Campbellford and Peterborough – ALL home teams at these clubs will have a chance to participate!
Games will start between 7 and 7:30 pm depending on the venue.  Cost is only $10/person (to cover ice costs) with no charge to the host team!
We are working hard to find the best times to have the interclub games based on ice availability and league schedules.  We need to know whether there is sufficient interest to pursue this on your behalf.  If you are likely to participate in these events please sign the sheet posted on the board at the club to give us an indication of your interest.  If there is significant interest, fees may be reduced!  Ladies from ALL Leagues are most welcome to join us so tell your friends in the mixed or the ladies league about it too.

Your Interclub Curling Committee:
Jackie Igleheart (Campbellford); Linda Elliott (Keene);
Marge Lund (Norwood) and Karen Ellis (Peterborough)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Welcome Back!

It’s that time of year again!!  We’ve been busy getting things organized and have included many ideas those of you shared from last year so… Get ready Ladies… here we go!!!

Season Play
We will be sharing the ice with the Mixed League on Wednesdays to save both leagues a bit of money and avoid the need for byes. We will take a break over Christmas week from December 20-24th and have one day booked for make-up games and just for fun on December 29th.

Games will therefore start Wednesday November 3rd and Thursday November 4th and run weekly to December 16th.  We will be starting at 7:00 pm on Wednesdays;  games on Thursday's start at 6:30 pm and 8 pm.   
Scheduled play continues Thursday January 6th, 2011.

2010-2011 Season Fees
Fees for 2010-2011 are $185 per person or $740 per team.  The fees will not cover all of our costs so we are hoping to make up the difference in the fundraising events we have planned for this year.  We will also do our best to cut costs wherever possible.

Fees are due in full on or before November 4th, 2010.

Please mail your cheques to:

Keene Curling Club
PO Box 263, Keene, ON, K0L 2G0
Attention: Debbie Hanna-Bull

Cheques should be made out to Keene Business Ladies Curling.   Or, bring your cheques/cash the first week of play.  

Erin, Debbie and/or Linda will be available at the rink for all of the initial game times to collect your fees. Thank-you!

One Very Cool Raffle Prize!

The Keene Business Ladies League has a special raffle prize this year: a Balance Plus Ultra Light Carbon Fibre Tapered Handle Broom with a Performance Brush Head.  This broom is signed by the members of Team Glenn Howard and is a beautiful hot PINK!  In purchasing the broom a donation was also made by our league to the Breast Cancer Society of Canada.  We will be selling raffle tickets during the fall season and at the Christmas Social and Bonspiel.  The broom will be awarded at the Bonspiel so the winner will still have plenty of opportunity to use it this year!